Matt Cutts har precis skrivit en mycket värdefull och omfattande bloggpost angående BigDaddy, länkar, crawling och mycket mer.
Bernt Johansson tipsade mig om detta.
För att sammanfatta i ett par meningar på svenska så kan man väl säga att Google tittar nu mycket mer på länkar, relevans med länkar och till exempel vilka footer länkar man har och detta styr crawlfunktionen i BigDaddy.
Jag citerar nedan det jag personligen finner intressant.
- After looking at the example sites, I could tell the issue in a few minutes. The sites that fit “no pages in Bigdaddy” criteria were sites where our algorithms had very low trust in the inlinks or the outlinks of that site. Examples that might cause that include excessive reciprocal links, linking to spammy neighborhoods on the web, or link buying/selling. The Bigdaddy update is independent of our supplemental results, so when Bigdaddy didn’t select pages from a site, that would expose more supplemental results for a site.Considering the amount of code that changed, I consider Bigdaddy pretty successful in that I only saw two complaints. The first was one that I mentioned, where we didn’t index pages from sites with less trusted links, and we responded and started indexing more pages from those sites pretty quickly.- Okay, let’s check one from May 11th. The owner sent only a url, with no text or explanation at all, but’s let’s tackle it. This is also a real estate site, this time about a Eastern European country. I see 387 pages indexed currently. Aha, checking out the bottom of the page, I see this:
[Bild av ca 20 orelevanta footer links]
Linking to a free ringtones site, an SEO contest, and an Omega 3 fish oil site? I think I’ve found your problem. I’d think about the quality of your links if you’d prefer to have more pages crawled. As these indexing changes have rolled out, we’ve improving how we handle reciprocal link exchanges and link buying/selling.Utdrag från hans kommentarer:Some folks that were doing a lot of reciprocal links might see less crawling. If your site has very few links where you’d be on the fringe of the crawl, then it’s relatively normal that changes in the crawl may change how much of your site we crawl. And if you’ve got an affiliate site, it makes sense to think about the amount of value-add that your site provides; you want to provide a reason why users would prefer your site.
Intressant angående nofollow och Yahoo som jag undrat över:There’s SEO and there’s QUALITY and there’s also finding the hook or angle that captivates a visitor and gets word-of-mouth or return visits. First I’d work on QUALITY. Then there’s factual SEO. Things like: are all of my pages reachable with a text browser from a root page without going through exotic stuff. Or having a site map on your site. After you’re site is crawlable, then I’d work on the HOOK that makes your site interesting/useful.
Till diskussion:BTW, just because Yahoo reports nofollow links in the Site Explorer, I wouldn’t assume that those links are counting for Yahoo!Rank (or whatever you want to call it ).
DP Coop ska man inte köra på sina värdefulla sidor. Exemplet ovan med footer länkarna där det finns en länk till en tävlingssida var troligtvis coop.
Att utlänkarna är relevanta är en viktig faktor.
Reciprocal links kan skada om gjort för mycket.
Köpa/sälja länkar måste göras försiktigt.
I vilken grad kan Google mäta detta??
Är detta "the real deal", predikan eller skrämsel?